Elevating your Vibration
What Does it Mean to Elevate Your Vibration?
Have you ever had a really crappy morning? One where everything goes wrong and it seems to be just one bad thing after another? Are you typically happy when that occurs? No. You complain and grunt and become sour and short with people. The truth is, our emotions emit a frequency which tells the Universe to produce more of what we put out- that's why crappy mornings turn into crappy days. And for some, those days run over and turn into crappy lives.
We can change the course of our entire day simply by emitting positive thoughts and emotions- even when the day seems to be going in the wrong direction. We can so so every day to unfold a better life! This, my beloveds, is the simplest example of what it means to raise one's vibrations.
A thought can be measured.
Soaking up the sun somewhere in South Africa
Just think about that. Your thoughts proverbially "hold weight", so it is impetative that you are conscious of the energy you put into the Universe with the thoughts you contain. The higher your brain activity, the higher your vibration.
There are many ways, besides just thinking happy thoughts, to raise one's vibration. Watching uplifting and positive programs, listening to upbeat music and sound frequencies all make us feel good, so the brain is emitting a positive output, which the Universe glady produces in kind.
I am living proof that your mind set, your diet, and your sheer intention and determination can take you places that your circumstances and surroundings might tell you is inaccesible to you. Nothing is beyond your reach with the right guidance and assistance. And I am here to guide and assist.