Speak Life into your Food
Preparing my famous Kale Salad
We might all be very familiar with the act of saying grace before you eat a meal. This tradition has its origins in the Bible. The act of saying grace originated after various scriptures in which Jesus would "give thanks" before breaking bread.
Saying grace is a beautiful and powerful way to practice gratitude. With that said, we can do so much more that just give thanks for our meals. We, in fact, can issue instructions and set intentions every time we eat a meal. This is an incredible activation for the Throat Chakra!
The next time you eat a meal, with your hearts true intention, say a grace that you create on your own, based on what it is you are seeking to secure more of or gain in your life. For example:
- " I bless this food with love and light, that I may be filled with it and attract it in return"
- " May this meal be filled with nourishment and the wisdom I need to accomplish my goals"
- " I fill this food with the answers I have been seeking regarding (x,y,z)"
- " I honor my mind body and soul with this meal, that as I ingest it, may my light shine brighter and my temple be cleansed of anything that does not serve me"
The life you speak into your meals can be as elaborate or as simple as you like; just be intentional. Remember that "The power of life and death is held in the tongue", so speak "life" into everything you do! Even the food you eat.