The Importance of Laughter!
Greetings beloveds!
When is the last time you had a good laugh? For me, laughter is my daily vitamin. I never go a day without a good laugh. And here is why...
Laughter Boosts Your Immune System. The current state of affairs should show you how important it is to protect and build your immune system. Laughing is one free tool at your disposal 24/7. It increases immune cells and infection fighting antibodies which improve your resistance to disease!
Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which are "feel good" chemicals in the body. And when you feel good, your vibration is high. When your vibration is high, you attract things in alignment with that vibration!
Laughing can help you burn calories! Studies show that laughung for 10-15 minutes a day can burn up to 40 calories. Just think of how many calories you'd burn over a week...a month...a year!
Last year living my best life in Fiji.
I know that everywhere you look, there is fear and uncertainty lately. Don't be misled. This fear and uncertainty, my beloved friends, is NOT reality; it is programming. We are master co-creators of our world, and capable of elevating the entire planet with our laughter and love. Your smile alone creates infinite waves of happiness. Please share it with someone and play your part in the much needed elevation our planet so desperately needs.