Sounds so Sweet!

Every now and then, I like to share with you some of my "secrets" to creating memorable food that moves the spirit with each bite! Here is one of my favorites...

How many of you like to listen to music while you cook? Everyone who knows me knows that I always enjoy listening to music while I create magic in the kitchen. I listen to high vibrational, upbeat, sassy, sexy jams that not only lift my spirits, but keep my team energized and focused as well. While this alone plays a major role in creating meals that are "felt" or experienced more so that just "consumed", the secret is to serve your meals with music playing. Did you know that if you consume your meals while listening to music, the sound frequencies emitted from the music actually alter the way your food tastes? It's true!

High pitched sounds makes food taste sweeter, while a low humming sound has the tendency to make your foods taste more bitter in nature. Many restaurants understand this alchemy, and will play music in their dining room at such a low volume that you may not even be cognizant that music is playing. However, the music plays a part in your dining experience, essentially because it not only sets a mood and gives ambiance, but it plays an active role in how your food tastes!


High pitched sounds makes food taste sweeter, while a low humming sound has the tendency to make your foods taste more bitter in nature. Many restaurants understand this alchemy, and will play music in their dining room at such a low volume that you may not even be cognizant that music is playing. However, the music plays a part in your dining experience, essentially because it not only sets a mood and gives ambiance, but it plays an active role in how your food tastes!


When I am being of service as a Private Chef, I usually have music playing that sets the tone for the experience I wish my clients to have. This is part of the reason why my clients tend to state that my meals have that "little something something" they can never quite put your finger on! 

There is quite a lot that goes into creating a memorable experience from a meal, and this is just one ingredient I like to pull out from my magic pantry. If you would like to see more "secrets" to creating magical, memorable meals, drop a comment below, and tell me what you'd like more insight on. Or, just drop a 💎 so I know to keep the jewels coming!


Map your meals and TAP into the magic within


Melanin Magic Meals