October is Here! Time to Give Birth…


A woman becomes full term at 40 weeks. For 40 whole weeks, after that child is initially conceived, it is further developed, nurtured, loved, and protected inside the sacred space of the womb. At 40 weeks, it is finally fully formed and ready to be birthed!


October 1, 2020 finds us in the 40th week of the year. What does this mean? All the hopes, ideas, ambitions, and dreams that you have been conceiving, developing, nurturing, sending love to, and protecting all year long are ready to be birthed! THAT is the energy that this new month ushers in!

You are completely dilated and ready to bring forth an amazing addition to this world! Be it a blog that you start, a business venture you get into, a lifestyle change that you embark on...whatever it is that you are BIRTHING, know that the Universe is the perfect doula to see it to fruition. You only need trust her and summon your strength. You are further supported by the energies of the full moon today, a HARVEST moon! This full moon will put the spotlight on relationships, both personal (your relationship with yourself) and interpersonal (your relationships with others), and finding your balance (Libra) between being your authentic self and whom you need to be in a partnership. You are not alone and not unsupported. Breathe....and push! Your dreams have crowned and are ready to show its face to the world!

What will you "give birth to" this season? If you need assistance with bringing your goals, dreams, or ideas to life, or you simply seek some guidance and/or direction, email me or DM me on instagram. It is my honor as well as my pleasure to assist you!


Melanin Magic Meals


A Season of Change