November Carries the Spirit of the Ancestors

November carries the spirit of the Ancestors thick in the air like perfume spritzed above your head. Bask in it...and Give Thanks!

You may hear the term "The Ancestors" thrown about quite a lot- especially lately. I am here to remind you of just one thing; "The Ancestors" are not a theory, abelief system, nor a myth. The Ancestors are one of the few precious things on this earth that we can actually call real, even though we can't see love.


The Ancestors' ability to guide and protect us on our path is also real. They are able to do so with effortless precision and perfect love because they have an impeccable point of view They've been there and done that. They encourage us, always. For this...we give thanks!




What are some things that you appreciate your Ancestors for?

Feel free to Share your tokens of love to your Ancestors in the comments below!


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