I’m Excited to Share this with You!
As I graciously float into the chaotic storm of Scorpio season, I am reminded that these turbulent times are like the contractions and birth pains of giving birth. All of the chaos and noise is symbolic of the birth pains we are experiencing from the seeds we have planted. The water has broken, and the seeds are about to bloom.
How fit is your vessel to give birth to the seeds you have planted? One thing I have recently "given birth to" is my long awaited e-book, 14 Recipes to Raise Your Vibration in 14 Days! It is now available for pre-order at my online shop and I must say, I am one proud momma!
This e-book is less of a "cook book" and more like a GPS (a Guide to Prepare the Soul) for elevation! What you eat will be one of the largest catalysts in your elevation, right next to the things you do and say, and the thoughts you keep. In fact, what you eat may be the most important catalyst of all, because food is a drug, and it affects your mind, body, and your soul.
The recipes in my 14 Recipes to Raise Your Vibration in 14 Days e-book contains magical recipes for spiritual baths, elixirs, and tonics as well. All of the ingredients were curated with one goal in mind: for you to become a beacon for the hopes and dreams you hold sacred in your heart and mind. Those hopes, dreams, and aspirations are within you, waiting for your alignment with their energy so you can bring them to fruition. A poor, low vibrational diet will steer you off course every time. My 14 Recipes to Raise Your Vibration in 14 Days will assist you with fine tuning your vessel for elevation, so you can develop a vessel fit for manifesting anything you desire! If you are ready to work your magic in the kitchen and create meals that will transform you from the inside out, simply click the link below: