NOW is the time to TAKE ACTION in order to gain the MOMENTUM you need in life! And there is only a 10 second window to make it happen. Let me explain...
In life, you have a 10 second window between DOING something...or not doing it. For example: When the thought occurs to you, "I should do the laundry now so that I have time to do (x,x,z) later", there is only a 10 second window in which you will actually take action and do it!
Believe it or not, if you ponder an action and do not take an affirmative step within 10 seconds, the likelihood is that it will not get done. At least not in that moment. But what is a moment?
A moment can be defined as an "appropriate time" to do something. A moment can also be defined as a "particular stage" in the "development" of something. By these two definitions alone (and there are more), a "moment" holds powerful weight on whether or not you are able to gain MOMENTum in life Are you seizing every opportunity? Or have you let too many 10 second windows pass you by? The good things is, if you are reading this, its not too late to change!
I put the theory to test myself and was surprised by the lessons I have learned. My life has gained momentum and there is no slowing down in sight!
You become a deliberate creator of your life whenever you make consistent, affirmative movements in the direction of your goals by taking full advantage of every moment; of every opportunity. Don't let any more "moments" pass you by!
What things will you act on NOW so that you can gain momentum in life? Sharing your thoughts is a momentous act- when you share your comments, my beloveds, have just set things in MOTION! Go!