A tidbit on Seasonal Depression

Just as there is an ebb to a flow, and a negative to a positive...there is also the winter, which is the proverbial "dark side of the moon" to the summer seasons. Plant life appears to dwindle and disappear. There is a heavy feeling in the air of a need for shelter, warmth, and comfort. The cold, sometimes cataclysmic, can seem treacherous this time of year. When you add in Seasonal Depression (S.A.D.) and the self imposed stress related to the Holiday season, it is clear why winter is not everyone's favorite season, but it is one of mine! Here is why...

Winter is when things slow down...nature and animals take shelter and hibernate. Nature knows exactly what to do to thrive in the hostile environment of winter; it would behoove us to follow its lead.


This is a time to SLOW DOWN and get intentionally grounded and rooted in the warmth and comfort of our spirit's "home": our bodies. It is also a time to make use of all that you've harvested during the fall, and I am not just talking about your harvested fruits and veggies! The hopes and dreams you gave birth to this fall need to be consumed, too...or, just like food, they will perish. "How do I consume my hopes and dreams?", you might ask. Easy! Charge your food with those very intentions.

For example:

  • You finally launched your website! Make a toast to its longevity and prosperity and gulp that intention whole!

  • You started a fitness/weight loss journey. When you eat a meal, ask that the food you consume give you the resilience and energy that you need to meet those health goals.

  • You started a new relationship. Choose foods that carry the energy of love (such as cacao nibs or ...) to fortify the love you share.

For more insight on natural foods and the energies they carry to help you "consume your hopes and dreams", you can refer to this Instagram post about 9 Foods for Transformation.

Comment below and share with me what you’ve “harvested” in Fall that you plan to “consume” this winter.


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