Fall into YOU!

Equinox translates to equal night...it is a day of balance. But I want you to FALL...free fall into the abyss of Self. Let your arms dangle , your head sway, and your legs turn to jelly and just fall...deep into YOU.


When you land, don't be surprised that you will find yourself not at the bottom of some pit, but at the precipice- the crown of a newly discovered YOU! 

Like the changing colors of leaves during this time, I want you to shed old skin and reveal vibrant layers of your being to the world. Find balance in your passions as well as in your duties, so that they form a marriage and become one. Harvest your talents and feed the world with your bread of knowledge. You are an expert at SOMETHING! Now is the time to bask in it; when the world is giving birth to dreams and aspirations which are the seeds of the Universe. And let me be your water to ensure your GROWTH!

Happy Fall Equinox, beloveds


A Season of Change


Make Food Majestic Again